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College Station officials on Monday provided an update to the $6 million project on University Drive that will help better protect pedestrians on the busy roadway.
· The majority of campus-related street work, and work on the medians, in the University Drive area will be completed by the end of summer to accommodate traffic increases during the fall semester and football season.
· Work involving the traffic signal replacements in this area, including underground borings, will continue throughout the fall.
· Additional work is underway on the north side of University Drive and will include a westbound lane closure and intermittent closures of side streets within the Northgate area.
· Project completion is expected by spring 2019.
The city of College Station has partnered with Texas A&M and TxDOT to widen sidewalks and make median improvements along University Drive.
"We're trying to get bigger sidewalks, more room for people to bike so they can generally travel much safer," said Tim Lomax, Texas A&M Transportation Institute regents fellow.
They also have plans to upgrade the traffic lights in the same area.
"We’ve got a ton of people that are crossing University Drive and a bunch going up and down and right now the sidewalks just aren’t built for a campus of 63,000 students," said Lomax.
The city is urging pedestrians to follow the signs and to avoid walking into the work zones.
"We need pedestrians and drivers to pay attention to the signs and follow the directions for everybody's safety," said Troy Rother, College Station traffic engineer.
"With all the congestion in the area we highly recommend to plan ahead, leave a little early to give time if you need to drive through the area," said Rother.