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After conducting a traffic analysis study on the new development occurring off of Wellborn Road and Harvey Mitchell Parkway, the City of College Station decided it was time to add an additional light. The new traffic light at the intersection of Wellborn Road and Balcones Drive will be activated Monday morning.
Andy Wylie, the manager of Koppe Bridge Bar and Grill, said the light is long over due.
"We've been here for 27 yeras and this has been a bad location for wrecks and stuff like that around Wellborn and we've been needing a new light here for years that's for sure," said Wylie.
Just down the road at Fat Burger Grill, Ashton Gustafson said she sees the same issues.
"There's been some that have been pretty bad I mean really bad and it will back it all the way up and it's just kind of jam packed every other week we see a wreck and it's just unfortunate because there's no traffic control," said Gustafson.
After hearing that the light will soon be activated, Wylie said he believes it will help with traffic issues and slow down drivers.
"We're very excited not just for the amount of people that are going to come through from the new development but it's a lot safer," said Wylie.
"That's what was needed and so I'm glad we're going to have this one light here and it will give people some time to at least be able to get out instead of backing this up and then they become impatient and i'm just excited for it to be a little bit calmer a little bit more control," said Gustafson.
The new light at the intersection of Graham Road and Longmire Drive will go on-line Tuesday.