Dillon Hill, a 19-year-old college student from Sacramento, has decided to put his college education on hold so that he could do something so much more important.
Dillon is spending the year with his best friend, Chris Betancourt, and helping him cross off items on his bucket list.
Betancourt has leukemia and was told that he likely has only two more years to live. After breaking the news to his best friend, the two of them spent some time writing a bucket list of 125 things Chris would like to do before his time is up.
Then Dillon shared some of his own news ... that he was going to spend however long it takes to help Chris fulfill each and every one of them. Dillon said, "We talked for a long time and I knew that he was genuinely afraid of missing out on life. It really struck a nerve in me. Here I was, going to college and trying to set up the rest of my life, and that had all been cut off for Chris. So after thinking about it, I decided, 'Why not spend a year doing incredible things with my best friend?'"
So far, the best friends have done things like fly an airplane, eat the hottest pepper, get matching tattoos, and buy 100 fast food burgers for homeless people. They still have backpacking through Europe, meeting Johnny Depp and diving with sharks to cross off the list.
Chris, who has slim odds of finding a matching bone marrow donor, says, "Getting to spend time with my best friend and forget about those odds has really boosted my spirits. I’m forever thankful to him for giving me these opportunities."
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