The parishioners of St. Stanislaus invite each and every one to their upcoming bazaar set for Sunday, October 13, 2019. The day will begin with a Mass at 10 a.m. Afterward, the bazaar will open with the serving of a barbecue and sausage dinner with all the trimmings at 11 a.m. Cost of plates are $10 for adults and $6 for children. The day will continue with booths and games for all ages. Tommy Szymczak will once again head up the live auction with lots of nice and unique items, antiques, quilts and much more beginning at 1 p.m. This year will be the 30th consecutive year that Brian Marshall and the Texas Paradise Band will provide live Polish music for dancing and entertainment throughout the day. Winners of the raffle will be drawn 30 minutes after the conclusion of the live auction. You will also be able to purchase lots of handmade and homemade items at Babusha’s Porch as well as the new history book denoting the last 150 years. And don’t forget, the beautiful and historic church completed in 1917 will also be open for visitors to view. The combination of the events of the day makes for a wonderful outing for the whole family.