Community Revival services will be held in Robertson County, Texas October 29 through November 5.
Bethany Baptist Church and Elliott Baptist Church, located in the Hearne-Franklin area, are joining together to celebrate our faith and reach our communities for Christ.
Dr. Joe McKeever, a nationally known Christian Cartoonist, Author, Evangelist, and Seminary Professor, will be our speaker. Dr. McKeever will be sketching those attending the Revival before and after each service. Everyone is invited to come and have their picture drawn.
Music will be provided by the Robertson County Cowboy Church Band.
Special events will happen at each service. Services will alternate between the churches each night. Noon meetings will be held each day at the host church.
For scheduled starting times see Bethany-Elliot Revival Facebook page ( or call 979-587-3536 for more information.
Revival begins at 11:00 AM October 29th at Elliott Baptist Church, 7390 W US Hwy 79, Hearne Texas, 77859. The last service of the revival starts 11:00AM November 5th at Bethany Baptist Church, 9250 FM 391, Hearne, Texas, 77859.
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